Papilloma is a type of cancer that appears on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. In most cases, the pathology manifests itself in the form of genital warts, which have a pointed shape and flat warts. These growths can appear anywhere on the human body. When a pathology appears against the background of human papillomavirus activity, the disease is characterized as carcinogenic. This nature is explained by the fact that the risk of degeneration developing into a malignant tumor is more than seventy percent. The topic of this article is what papillomas are and why do they appear.

The reason for the appearance of papillomas
The most common reason for the appearance of papillomas is the activity of the HPV virus in the body. This virus enters the body during promiscuous sex or during unprotected intercourse with a carrier. Less often, the disease manifests itself in people who abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
It should also be noted that this vulnerable group of infections includes people with weakened immunity, metabolic disorders and problems with the functioning of organs in the digestive tract. An important role in the spread of infection is due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
Important!The virus can be passed to a newborn baby if the mother is infected during the last months of pregnancy.
It is very important to know that the disease is not transmitted only through traditional sex. If there are bacteria on the body of one of the sexual partners that violate the integrity of the skin, the virus can enter the body through them. Once infected with HPV, a person becomes a carrier of the virus, as the infection cannot be completely cleared from the body. All disease therapies should aim to strengthen the immune system so that the immune system can fight off disease on its own.
The development of the disease is insidious, which indicates that the virus is not expressed for a long time. The incubation period can range from one month to one year.
Stages of disease development
Considering the question of why papillomas appear, it should be said that the disease manifests itself only as a result of a decrease in the performance of the immune system. After the infection enters the human body, the virus begins to spread in the basal epithelial cells.
At the next stage of the development of the infection, various tumors are formed on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. Such growths can appear not only on the surface of the body, but also on internal organs.

A papilloma is a benign tumor of the epidermis consisting of small fleshy or dark brown nodules.
Clinical picture
This pathology does not have a uniform clinical picture. The nature of symptoms depends on the site of development and the type of virus causing the changes in the body. The main symptoms inherent in the activity of an HPV infection are the appearance of warts and genital warts. It's also important to note that HPV has the potential to cause cancer, so it's important to consult a specialist promptly and start treatment.
Symptoms such as hypothermia, itching and tingling sensations, and skin peeling are rare. All of these symptoms are characteristic of tumors located on parts of the body prone to increased friction.
Types of cancer
There are 5 main types of tumors: squamous, granular, pointed, single, and fibrous. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the body, examining each type of tumor in detail.
Sharp papilloma
Pointed papillomas (condylomas) are caused by infection with the HPV virus during intercourse. In addition to their basic shape, these lumps on the skin can look like small bubbles with fluid inside. At a certain stage of development, these blisters open on their own, leading to the formation of watery and foul-smelling sores.
This type of cancer has the highest degree of carcinogenicity. Statistically, this type of growth often degenerates into a malignant tumor. In addition to their unsightly appearance, genital warts can cause severe discomfort during intercourse or when walking. The main treatment for this form of the disease is to remove the papilloma with cryotherapy.
Scaly papilloma
This type of formation on the body is considered to be one of the most common forms. Such papillomas are only cosmetically annoying to their owners. This type of growth is almost never accompanied by changes in the patient's state of health. Localized formation in the area of the palms, soles or back.

Papillomas don't go away on their own, they can last for years without cause for concern.
What parts of the body do the HPV indexes reside on?
Tumors formed by the activity of the human papillomavirus can form anywhere on the human body. However, most often tumors occur on body areas such as:
- tongue and throat;
- genitals;
- finger;
- mammary glands.
With severe disease, papillomas can form in the genitourinary system and urethra.
Papillomas in the area of the milk ducts
Endothelial cancer is a tumor that forms in the milk ducts. The formation of a tumor is accompanied by red swelling of the nipples, the appearance of slight itching and burning, as well as other negative manifestations. At some stage of the development of the pathology, the patient may experience severe pain when touching the affected area of the body. Then, on the diseased area appears a colorful discharge, with an unpleasant odor.
Tumors that are detected in time do not pose a danger to health. However, a prolonged delay in treatment may lead to the fact that the intraductal tumor will degenerate into a malignancy. This rebirth carries a high risk of developing breast cancer.
This growth has the shape of a nipple and resembles a small process. The color of the bump may differ significantly from the underlying skin color. Many people wonder why papillomas appear in the breast area. Among the most common reasons for the occurrence of this pathology, experts identify the influence of infectious diseases of a chronic nature, disorders in metabolic or ovarian work. In addition, the reasons for the appearance of tumors in the fallopian tubes can be: weakened immunity or due to the abortion procedure.
The risk group for this disease includes women with bad habits, as well as girls with promiscuous sex lives.
Papillomas in the throat
This type of cancer forms on the surface of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The development of the disease takes place in a smoldering way, that is, the patient does not feel any negative changes in the body. Very rarely, the initial stage of papilloma formation is accompanied by discomfort.
However, at a certain stage in the development of the disease, the patient begins to feel short of breath, feels a foreign body in the throat and pain. An increase in the affected area can lead to changes in voice and breathing patterns. There are several specific reasons for the development of this form of the disease. The main reason is the presence of chronic diseases, as well as acute infectious diseases acquired in childhood.
An important role in the formation of this type of papilloma is due to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. In addition, cysts may appear due to frequent change of sexual partners and refusal to use barrier methods of contraception.

Infection with this virus can occur in swimming pools, baths, and other public places. It is very important that the main component of the development of the pathology is a weakened immune system, which is incapable of fighting the action of the virus.
An integrated approach is used to treat this form of pathology. At the first stage of therapy, it is necessary to undergo a procedure to remove the tumor. The attending physician should then prescribe antiviral medication to prevent recurrence. Also at this stage of therapy, attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system with vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs.
Papillomas in the cervical region
Talking about what papilloma is and what it looks like, one cannot help but notice this type of cancer. This type of partisan growth has uneven borders. Localized growth on the surface of the mucous membrane in the uterus. Like genital warts, this type of cancer is highly cancerous. Lack of timely treatment can lead to the development of cancer.
The main reasons for the development of this pathology are hidden in weak immunity, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, bad habits and promiscuous sex. The most common cause of papillomas is unprotected exposure to an active HPV carrier.
Symptoms of the development of the disease are expressed in an increase in regional lymph nodes. In addition, many patients worry about a burning sensation in the groin area. Against the background of the growth of papillomas, the discharge has a non-specific color, has an unpleasant odor. To remove this type of growth, you will need to perform a process removal procedure. In addition, to prevent the disease from reoccurring, long-term antiretroviral therapy is required.
Important!Genital tumors can occur in both women and men. The key difference between this disease in men and women is that papillomas in men rarely degenerate into a malignant tumor. If one sexual partner is infected with HPV, both sex partners must be treated with antiretroviral drugs.
Papillomas in the oral cavity
The papillomas in the tongue region have the form of a papillary process with a diameter of several centimeters. The reason for the manifestation of this type of growth is close contact with a carrier. However, infections can also run in families.
Family transmission is most commonly seen in young children. At this stage of life, children learn about the world around them with the help of touch. Because immunity in childhood is not fully developed, the virus easily enters the body.

You can become infected by using other people's towels, linens, gloves, or shaving accessories.
Now is the time to look at how to treat body papillomas. Treatment depends on the location of the tumor, the depth of the lesion, and the nature of the disease. The first stage of treatment is to remove the existing tumor. The cryodestruction method is most often used for this purpose.
Today, more and more specialists are introducing radiosurgery to their patients. This method is completely painless and allows you to remove the tumor without leaving a visible mark. Radio waves affect not only the process itself, but also its roots, helping to ensure recurrence prevention.
In addition, papillomas are removed by excision, laser irradiation, and current pulse therapy. In the case of a growing tumor that is not prone to degenerating into a cancerous tumor, external drugs can be used.
Strong antiviral drugs can be used only after the etiology of the disease has been identified and the exact virus type has been established. The use of creams and ointments at the early stages of the formation of the disease allows you to achieve lasting results on your own.
Treatment of HPV virus is necessarily comprehensive. Immunomodulators, vitamins and antiviral agents prevent the development of recurrent disease. Timely detection of the pathology will prevent serious complications, in the form of degeneration of tumors that develop into a cancerous tumor.